SOMA Breathwork

I am a certified SOMA Breathwork Instructor.

I can teach you how to use this synergistic approach in meditation to find potential pathways to healing the mind, body and soul. Through a wonderful process that combines ancient breathwork techniques, music, positive psychology, and guided meditation, you can experience a greater connection to your whole self.

FREE Weekly Webinar and Meditation

Woman practices pranayama in lotus pose outdoors

How I Found SOMA Breathwork:

My own journey into meditation began from the psychological research into Mindfulness and breathwork to calm, focus and heal. As a long-time sufferer of anxiety, fear, shyness, lack of confidence and addiction, I have been searching for ways to better manage my internal programming to gain greater control over these issues that have created limitation and dysfunction in my life. Meditation has been a pivotal aspect to helping me connect my Whole Self. The practice of Mindfulness gives me a tool to trace the origins of my positive and disruptive negative behaviors that map the individual software programming of my brain. My meditation practice and Mindfulness process has allowed me to heal and reprogram my software to operate on a higher level.

Meditation launched a higher level of consciousness in me and a thirst for greater evolution. This led me to the Wim Hof Method (WHM). What hooked me into the WHM, was the science and research demonstrating the beneficial physical and mental health benefits. I practiced the WHM for over a year and then heard about the SOMA Breath. On the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast, I heard and interview with the founder of SOMA Breath, Niraj Naik. His process incorporated the some of the same breath techniques of WHM and more. Coincidently, Niraj and Wim are friends and their methods share a core foundation in ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathwork).

SOMA breathwork has been an evolutionary step in my own process toward healing and wellbeing. My anxiety is now lessened to such a degree that I feel transformed and empowered as never before. I use SOMA Breath daily and continue to discover benefits within my body and mind. 

TAKE the SOMA 21 Day Awakening Breath Journey - Online Course:

Mature Man With Digital Tablet Using Meditation App In Bedroom

What happens in SOMA Breathwork?

  • You breathe rhythmically in time with music
  • You are guided by an instructor who helps you focus and relax
  • You focus your intention on positive thoughts
  • You practice Kumbhaka (breath hold both on the out and in breath)
  • You find deeper states of calm and relaxation


SOMA Meditation: Daily Dose

Here are Two Specially Designed SOMA Meditations to Give You More Energy & Motivation in the Morning and Deep Relaxation for a Rejuvenating Sleep in the Evenings. This will give you access to having the music and guided meditation.

How SOMA Breathwork can influence the nervous system:

On many levels the process of SOMA works to heighten brain functioning and affect the overall nervous system throughout the body. There is a synergistic process that is happening with the increase of blood flow to the brain with enriched oxygen, the lowering of stress hormones and the increased production of neurotransmitters. This is happening on many levels both physiological and psychological. From a psychological process, we inject positive thoughts into the mind and body. Through the injection of positive sentiment in the SOMA Breathwork process, we change the nervous system to counteract the negative sentiment that can dominate our mental states. 

For many, SOMA calms the mind to bring about a greater rationale and higher state of consciousness. The stimulation of neurotransmitters and tryptamines to awaken the brain to what feels to be transcendent states of consciousness. As a psychotherapist who works to tune into my clients through a process of empathy and cognitive connection, I have seen my work transform because I am able to connect to my clients better. I am more attuned with myself to better attune to my clients. At times my therapy sessions feel like a mind meld of two individuals. 

Because the full SOMA Awakening experience can help the body in the production of DMT, dopamine, serotonin and other tryptamines, as well Gamma brainwaves, which is the peak brain state of meditation, you feel higher state of consciousness and awareness. I definitely feel something profound is happening each time I experience a SOMA Awakening. I am passionate about sharing this process and encourage you to experience one of my Free SOMA Daily Dose meditations here:

Peaceful morning at Bohinj Lake

Be an Instructor

​You can be and Instructor like me and help others Heal, Evolve, and Reprogram:​​

The Renegade Pharmacist, Niraj Naik

Niraj Naik is an actual pharmacist who healed himself through his own journey of exploration into finding treatments that worked for him. I first heard Niraj on the Ben Greenfield podcast: The Renegade Pharmacist: How To Increase The Effects Of Psilocybin, The Secrets Of Colostrum, Fixing Constipation With Breathwork & More. I was immediately intrigued because of my work with the Wim Hof method. Here is a link to that podcast that started it all off for me:

If you listen to the podcast, you will learn more about Niraj’s story and other amazing health benefits. One of his biggest discoveries for me was learning about improving health issues related to the gut with the use of Colostrum. Use this link to learn about fixing leaky gut and other tools on the Renegade Pharmacist website.

Get in Contact Today


Call me to learn more about SOMA Breathwork (206-714-0610).